Oh Darling, It’s The Apocalypse! / 2.2–Intelligence and Education / “Gingers – Snap!”


HEY EVERYONE!!! It’s only been a whole damn year since I last updated this! And like, a year and a half since I completed the challenge? So excuse me if my memory is a bit rusty haha.
Thanks to MichelleCYoung on Boolprop for commenting and giving me the kick up the butt to write up the chapter. Thank god I saved all my screenshots on Google Drive, because otherwise it would have consigned another challenge to defeat. I might have completed it, but it’s not REALLY completed until it’s been published in it’s entirety.

With regards to publishing the rest – I really do want to finish it. I fully intend on finishing it. But I don’t have a lot of time in my day-to-day and it might be consigned to being written up in summer. Even then, I’m working a really intense summer job (teaching at a summer school full time, and being a House Leader, which is just a step above being just a teacher!). I’m going to try my best to finish Gen 2 and publish the first chapter of Gen 3 before I start the job in July. Thank you everyone for your patience, I love you all, and I love the Darlings, so I hope I can get these all published eventually.

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Hey Rosemary, how are you doing today? You seem reflective!

Rosemary: “Woah! WOAH!”


Rosemary: “It’s been a LONG TIME since I heard your voice Great Annoyance!!”

It’s been a long time since I heard your voice, Rosemary!! How are you doing sweetie? ❤

Rosemary: “Well, you know. Apocalypse. Pretty terrible. I still want to be a Celebrity Chef-“

– and you still haven’t lifted Education, so we’ll have to reflect on tha-

Rosemary: “I think you’ll find that I have lifted Education. A very long time ago!!!”

That is very fair. Let’s get a move on so you can get what you want.

Rosemary: “Thank you, now please leave me to my bath. The stars are so pretty tonight, Great Annoyance.”

I really love the stars in Sims 2, especially on desert maps. Good taste, Rosemary.

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Jasper!!! I missed you!!

Jasper: “Wowo! Your voice!”


Jasper: “Wow-o!”

Congrats on your promotion baby, keep on trucking along!! You’re going to smash it ❤ And soon you can save your mother from the *voice echoes* Terror Twins.

Elijah and Penelope *off-screen*: “Mother! Mother! It’s time for our daily check in! How useful to our plans will you be today?”


I am so, so sorry Francine.

Francine: “ARE YOU.


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Happy Birthday Rosemary!!! Time for you to open the universities, get a cute husband and have a whole bunch of kids!

Rosemary: “Absolutely quivering with excitement, Great Annoyance.”

I know that was sarcastic, but I’m going to pretend it wasn’t in my head. I wonder what your transition outfit will be~

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…Oh. Well. Damn. Well done Rosemary! Your outfit is so good! I wouldn’t have picked it out myself because of the orange hair + orange shirt combo but like… I have definitely seen worse.

Rosemary: “I’m pretty pumped about this B)”

I am too!! And I have a present for you!!

Rosemary: “A birthday present, from the Great Annoyance?”

Um, yes!

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Rosemary: “I don’t know if I trust you on that; would you trust him Jasper?”

Jasper: “Well-o…”


Jasper: “It’s character development! As I was saying, well-o… he did abandon us for a year.”

Sad smile

Jasper: “But, he did come back! I say take it and see what happens Smile

I’m gonna miss you so much when you leave the house Jasper ;-;

Rosemary: “What’s the present, Great Annoyance?”

Pick up the phone!!! Open-mouthed smile 

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(A/N: I feel like that painting probably breaks rules? But with Phaenoh’s restrictions things that shouldn’t be allowed wouldn’t show up in the catalogue. Idk. It’s been way too long to do anything about it anyway, but you know, just an acknowledgement.)

Rosemary: “Hello?”

Phone: “Hey, it’s Phil Jitmakusol? I was told to call today – which is convenient, because it’s the only day I can call.”

Rosemary: “Phil? LTW Criminal Mastermind Phil?”

Phil: “Well you don’t need to say it so loudly!!! But yes.”

Rosemary: “I remember you, we hung out like once. Wanna come over?”

Phil: “Let me gussy up and I’ll be right there!”

Rosemary: *hangs up* “Great Annoyance, this is your gift?”

Yeah! He’s really handsome, has blonde hair, and wants to lift a career we need to lift!

Rosemary: “Do I have to marry him?”

See if you like him first, but it’s likely.

Rosemary: “Ah, well – I can give it a go. I am heiress after all.”

Yes you are sweetie, and I love you for it! Give him a shot ❤

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Phil and Rosemary only have one bolt, but they clicked really quickly and they’re very sweet together. Hey Rosemary, how are you feeling?

Rosemary: “I’m pretty happy, thanks Great Annoyance.”

:,) How about you Phil?

Phil: “C-c-c-c-cold, s-s-s-so c-c-cold.”

Rosemary: “Wanna move in so we can find a way to warm you up?”

Phil: “W-warm c-c-cocoa?”

Rosemary: “…Winking smile

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Phil: “Better than hot cocoa.”

Rosemary: “Although I could totally go for some cocoa now.”


Rosemary: “What is it Great Annoyance?”


Rosemary: “You’re ruining the moment!!!”

You got the granny pyjamas!

Rosemary: “Oh god.”

It is the law of equivalent exchange…….. for a good everyday transition outfit, you get the worst pyjamas lmfaooooo

Rosemary: “LEAVE.”

FINE!! Have fun with your new partner, who I set you up with might I say!!

Phil: “Thanks, weird disembodied voice I’ve started hearing now that I’ve started dating Rosemary.”

Rosemary: “Just call him the Great Annoyance, we all do.”

Phil: “Great Annoyance~”


Phil: “Can you leave me and Rosemary alone now?”

…FINE!! Fine. FINE!

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Rosemary: “Oh…. I feel so ill… it must be the radioactive gelatine….”


Rosemary: “Stop laughing at my illness!!”

You’re pregnant!

Rosemary: “So it begins.”

Yep!! Have fun!!

Rosemary: “>:C”

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Pop one!

(A/N: Rosemary definitely got her job in Education at some point during this pregnancy, but I don’t have a shot of her accepting the job. Sorry!)

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Can you believe that for over a year this has been the only picture people on Boolprop have ever seen of you??? I’m so sorry, you deserve better sweetie. Say hi to Boolprop Rosemary!

Rosemary: “ZzZzZzZzZzZ”

The first pregnancy was rough on poor Rosemary, especially whilst working. She didn’t get a promotion for ages because she always had a low mood and needed more friends ever since Scott died and Francine *cough* left.

Francine: “Great Annoyance, they’re chanting…”

If you can’t beat them, join them!

Francine: “I DON’T WANT TO!”

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Jasper: “Wow-o!! I can’t believe you’re my boss’s cousin? Did you hear about what she did at the last party, oh my god, she-“

Guess there’s no secrets in the Intelligence career.

Jasper: “It’s my job to know things, Great Annoyance! Like I know all about the time you-“

Let me stop you there, sweetie. ❤

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Phil wants to become a Criminal Mastermind and is a Knowledge sim to Rosemary’s Pleasure sim. They don’t share a lot of wants but they do work hard with each other and I very much admire them. Unfortunately, Phil does not have a degree or any skills, and so when he joined the Criminal career he had to go right from the bottom. This was a very long generation lmfao.

Congrats on your promotion, Phil!

Phil: “Thanks, Great Annoyance!”

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I don’t know why I took this shot, but here it is I guess. It was probably to show that Jasper and Phil never really got along and that the door is still locked for the Intelligence career??? No idea lmfao.

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Pop two! Jasper! Get off of the computer!!!

Jasper: “Heheh, if I just google Great Annoyance’s full name…”

Do NOT and that is ILLEGAL.

Jasper: “Wow-o, you’re a nerd!”


Rosemary: “Hey, shouldn’t this shot be about me?”

Yes, of course. Sorry sweetie. How do you feel?

Rosemary: “Terrible! My back aches, my shoulders are in pain, my legs are swe-“

Jasper: (eheheheh)


Rosemary: “>:c”

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Hey look! It’s a picture of Rosemary actually going to work! She really did that! Proud of you Rosemary!!! Congrats on the promotion!!!

Rosemary: “I FEEL TERRIBLE.”

Yay!!! Promotion!!

Rosemary: “ANNOYANCE!!!!”

Fine!! Look, I had Jasper cook you something nice to help soothe your pain! Open-mouthed smile 

Rosemary: “Oh really? I didn’t think you actually cared.”

Of course I care!! Go on upstairs and treat yourself.

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Rosemary: “Oh, this cheesecake is really nice! Thanks so much Jasper!”

Jasper: “No problem, Rosie! I know you’ve been in pain recently!”

Rosemary: “Hey, how’d you get the idea to make me some cheesecake?”

Jasper: “Oh, you know, Great Annoyance just loudly suggested it and wouldn’t stop until I did it.”

See, I do care!

Rosemary: “Thanks Great Annoyance!”

No problem! (Eheheheheh.)

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Rosemary: “Rassin’-frassin’… be the heiress they said. You can be the astronaut lawyer princess in space you always wanted to be, they said… continue the family legacy, they said, now I’m here, pregnant, hungry, unclogging toilets…”

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Rosemary: “…GIVING BIRTH!!!!”

YESSSS! The first babies of Generation 3!!!

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& unlike Scott before him – Phil is actually present!!!! Amazing!!!

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Here are the cheesecake twins!! My naming theme for this generation was plants, because Rosemary had a plant name and I thought it would be cute. These are two boys named Bergamot and Southernwood, and if I recall correctly, Bergamot is the oldest so he must be the one Phil is holding. Southernwood should be the one that Rosemary is holding. And they’re both ginger!!! So begins the prophecy fortold by the chapter title: gingers – snap! Every baby, and I mean every baby in this generation is ginger. Something tells me that Phil is not the blonde he has lead us to believe he was.

Phil: “What can I say? It’s my criminal side.”

At least it’s still a recessive hair colour >:/

Citrus bergamia - Köhler–s Medizinal-Pflanzen-184.jpg

Bergamot is a name given to both a fragrant citrus fruit and a type of herb, named for having a similar scent to bergamot oranges. I named this Bergamot after the citrus fruit. It’s probably a hybrid between a lemon and a bitter orange, smells gorgeous and the word is etymologically derived from the Italian “bergamotto”, which is of Turkish origin and means “the prince’s pear”. Which is very cool.

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Southernwood is a fragrant plant in the sunflower family (awesomely!) and is often used as an air freshener because of it’s strong scent. You’ve probably smelled southernwood but never even knew it! It also has a bunch of very funny common names *cough cough*: old man, boy’s love, oldman wormwood, lover’s plant, appleringie, garderobe, Our Lord’s wood, maid’s ruin, garden sagebrush, European sage, sitherwood and lemon plant. Tag yourself, I’m oldman wormwood.

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And there she is!!! Achieving things!!! Not being pregnant anymore!!!

Rosemary: “Please, Great Annoyance… no more babies! I feel so good, look, I got a promotion and everything!”

I know sweetie, but the plan to get this apocalypse lifted in five generations means you have to have five kids. I’ll make it as quick as I can!!

Rosemary: “You know, now that I’m thinking about it, it would be nice to have a girl. BUT JUST ONE THIS TIME! I know your cheesecake trick!!!”

I like your thinking! And FINE, you can have one baby. Unless the game gives you natural twins. I won’t force your next pregnancy.

Rosemary: “Thanks, Great Annoyance.”

Thanks, Rosemary ❤ You’re an amazing heiress!!!

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JASPER!! Clean this up before your sister sees it and reconsiders another baby!!! Please!!

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Jasper: “On my way!! Also, I got a promotion!”

You know, we don’t give you enough face time, but I love you. You’re a good egg, Jasper. :,)

Jasper: “Wow-aw, thanks Great Annoyance!”

Now pick up the dirty nappies and the abandoned bottles!!! THX!!

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Birthday!!!! I have no idea which baby this is, and it does not matter, because the next shots are them as toddlers anyway.

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Wow, uh, that is a FACE on your toddler, hey?

Rosemary: “He’ll grow into it, I’m sure. This is Southernwood.”

We need a cute nickname for him. How about South?

South: “South!!!”

Rosemary: “Yes! What a lovely nickname! And mummy loves your cute lil hairbun!”

Southernwood: “Haiwbun!”

Rosemary: “He’s so smart :,)”

Aww, you’re a sweet mum. And South does in fact grow into his face, you’ll all be happy to know. He seems to have inherited his mum’s nose and eyes, but a bunch of his father’s everything else.

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This cutie is Bergamot. I’ll call you Berg. It’s a very cool name (eheheheh. Berg. Iceberg. Cool/ Hah.) He seems to have inherited a lot of his father’s face, but he might have Rosemary’s lips!

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I also love how they both have hairbuns. You’re both very cute lil dudes.

Phil: “Now say highchair South!”

South: “NO!”

Phil: “No, not NO, you’ve got that one down – h i g h c h a i r.”

South: “N-O.”

I like this one.

Phil: “I don’t Sad smile

I won’t lose sleep over that.

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Promotion!!! Nearly there!!!

Rosemary: “Hey, Great Annoyance, who’s that?”


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Rosemary: “I mean I know it’s a zombie. I’m not stupid. But who is it? She’s very well dressed!”

Z!Ani-Mei: “I am very well dressed! In fact, would you like to try on my coat? It’s new! Just… come a little closer Smile

Rosemary: “Great Annoyance… I really want to try on the coat.”


Z!Ani-Mei: “Sad smile


Z!Ani-Mei: “Fiiiiiine. Next generation.”


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JASPER!!!! YOU’RE AT THE TOP OF YOUR CAREER!!! You can move out and we can invite people inside!!! I’m gonan msis you so much Jasperrrrrr </3

Jasper: “Does this mean I can finally save mum from Elijah and Penelope?”

Francine: “YES!!!! PLEASE!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!”

Jasper: “I’m coming mum!!!”

What a good boy.

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Aaaand I don’t have a picture of Francine moving in with Jasper. But she did, and they are both free of the *voice echoes* Terror Twins. So that’s nice.

Have a good time in sparedom Jasper!!! I love you ❤

Jasper: “See you soon Great Annoyance!”

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And now away from Jasper and back to the main legacy lot. Here’s Phil. He’s reached like, level 3 or 4 now? So that’s nice. Hi Phil.

Phil: “Hel-“

Aaaand that’s enough Phil for now. Hey, do you want to go make another baby?

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I’ll take that as a yes. Eheheh.

Rosemary: “Oh, god, I hate being pregnant.”

Poor Rosemary. Her pregnancies are always so difficult.

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Rosemary and Phil aren’t the most loving couple, but they do enjoy spending time with each other. Even if ‘time’ is attacking each other with pillows lmfao. They often roll wants to play with each other and talk, but never really anything romantic. They only have 1 bolt, though, so I’m not wholly surprised. I mostly married Phil in because I like his face and his LTW.

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They’re cute together though, and they take good care of the little‘uns ❤

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And a promotion! For someone who hasn’t had the greatest week, Phil, you look pretty pumped.

Phil: “I’m just excited for another baby!”

Aww, that’s adorable! That’s enough Phil for now.

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Because it’s time for birthdays! The boys are growing up!! And Berg looks SO CUTE in his lil outerwear jumpsuit.

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You expected a picture of the kids? ridiculous. Have a picture of this kinky penguin instead. Wink wonk.

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South: “I HAVE HANDS!”

Yes you do MY LIL DUDE.

South: “IM IN A COOL RED JACKET!! I love my red jacket.”

It’s a dressing gown, but MORE POWER TO YOU my man. I love how kids are so excited when they grow up and they run everywhere. It’s so cute, and South!

South: “Yes!?”

Are you ready to save the world!?

South: “YESS!”

What an absolute boy ❤

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Berg: “Thank you Great Annoyance!! I’m really cold!”

OH GO INSIDE SWEETIE!! stay warm! eat cake!

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What a cute lil family picture aww! How’s your cake everyone?

Everyone: *cake eating noises*

In the same way that I am unable to phonetically type out kissing noises, I can also not phonetically type out cake noises. Tell me in the comments: how would YOU type out cake noises (please actually do honestly I’m really interested lmfao)

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Ah yes. The apocalypse staple of kids playing chess. This is all that the boys do. There is nothing else for them to do as they still can’t do un-fun studying, hey, Rosemary, how’s that Education lift coming along?

Rosemary: “It’s coming!!”

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Rosemary: “I have to pop first!!”

Yay! Pop two!


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PROMOTION!!! Well done Rosemary!!!! Education is lifted and guess what that means kids……. I can make you study non-fun things now!

South & Berg: *GROAN*

Thanks Rosemary :,)

Rosemary: “No problem, Great Annoyance! Can I go to bed now?”

Yes, absolutely. You deserve it Rosemary.

That’s it!!! That’s the end of the chapter!! I’m sorry for making you all wait so long for such a mediocre chapter, but tbh I’m just amazed I got anything written. My plan is to get this generation finished by the start of next month, when I’ll start my summer job, and maybe even get the first chapter of Gen 3 released. Who knows ^_^

Thanks for reading, and happy simming everyone. Don’t forget to tell me what you would type out phonetic cake sounds to be lmfaooooo

– Thai

Oh Darling, It’s The Apocalypse! / Summary & Family Tree


It’s going to take me FOREVER to release all the chapters for ODITA!, so I’ve decided to publish a summary and family tree – mostly because the challenge is finished and I really want the medal. I will keep releasing chapters though!! It’ll just be a slow process, likely one chapter a month because I have SO many pictures for every chapter and don’t really enjoy writing chapters up (but I really like medals, so… you know).

Anyway, spoilers are contained below. Obviously. So if you’re not interested in that, don’t read Winking smile 






Nice okay thanks for sticking around.


1 Francine Portrait

1 Francine Lifts Culinary

Francine Darling

Francine was my founder, and a beautifully sassy philosophy major. She lifted Culinary and married Scott. I love her and I refuse to let her die ever.

1 Scott Portrait

1 Scott Lifts Military

Scott Darling

Scott was an undeclared major, but graduated with Philosophy as default. He flirted with Francine in chess puns and lifted Military and was the first Darling to die Sad smile

Francine and Scott had 4 children – Elijah, Penelope, Jasper and Rosemary. Name theme – names I like lmao. Rosemary was our Heiress.



2 Rosemary Portrait (HEIR)

2 Rosemary Lifts Education (HEIR)

Rosemary Darling

Generation 2 heiress, Rosemary was always a bit of a diva and she lifted Education. She also spent most of her adult life pregnant and tired. Special mention to Rosemary for being literally the only kid of this generation to NOT have an aspirational failure upon growing up. She married Phil, who she met as a teenager.

2 Phil Portrait

2 Phil Lifts Criminal

Phil Darling

Rosemary’s husband, they only ever had 1 bolt and were never really more than people who ended up together and raising kids, but they were good solid friends and I don’t think any of the Gen 3 kids could fault them for that!


2 Elijah Portrait

2 Elijah Lifts Medical

Elijah Darling

Elijah lifted Medical. He was evil and had a weird, vaguely incestuous relationship with his fake-twin first-born-syndrome suffering sister Penelope. I still have no idea what to do with them.

2 Penelope Portrait

2 Penelope Lifts Law

Penelope Darling

Same as her brother but she lifted Law.

2 Jasper Portrait

2 Jasper Lifts Intelligence

Jasper Darling

Wowo! I need to do a challenge with Jasper one day. I just haven’t thought of what it is yet. You guys’ll see it when I do it though. He lifted Intelligence!

Phil and Rosemary had 5 children who made up Gen 3: Bergamot, Southernwood, Eyebright, Flax and Bay. Naming theme – plants. Southernwood was my heir.



Southernwood Portrait

Southernwood Lift

Southernwood Darling

Southernwood is a bit of a toff. He wrote a book celebrating his red blazer. A whole book. While at uni. Because he liked his blazer – he is also one of the 4 hairbuns this generation.

Sophie Portrait 

Sophie Lift

Sophie Darling (née Miguel)

Sophie Miguel was Southernwood’s childhood sweetheart and she went to university with him. It made sense for me to marry the two together – even though Southernwood was a hard-nosed businessman and Sophie a conniving politician, they really had a lovely and sweet relationship. Sophie also spent most of her premiership pregnant and had 4 kids. PLUS she also had bantu knots which are kinda like hairbuns.



Bergamot Portrait

Bergamot Lift

Bergamot Darling

Bergamot was a lovely and sweet Family sim who lifted Architecture. Under his hardcore man-bun and tattoo exterior, he was a lovely big brother who eventually married Meadow Thayer, who was his teenage sweetheart, and have a few kids. I haven’t got pictures of the kids but I’m like 50% sure that their naming theme was rivers, if that helps any.

Eyebright Portrait

Eyebright Lift

Eyebright Darling

Eyebright was pretty stubborn, being the only girl in a generation of guys, plus the only single child. (Bergamot and Southernwood were twins, and so were Flax and Bay). A very independent person, Eyebright singlehandedly saved the entire ecological system of the world and I love her. She would have been my heiress, but I flipped a coin and Southernwood got it instead. So now she gets to live in motherloded Spare heaven. ❤ She married Gavin Newson (another teenage sweetheart).

Flax Portrait

Flax Lift

Flax Darling

Flax is another sweet Family sim, who didn’t have a teenage sweetheart but grew up to be Captain Hero and beat up his father, as well as marry Peter Sims, the dude from OFB. He had two children with Peter Sims, one adopted and one biological, named for Star Trek captains.

Bay Portrait

Bay Lift

Bay Darling

Bay is the youngest child, and was always a bit socially awkward. He lifted Science and currently lives in an observation tower, and may, or may not, have been recently abducted. Oooooh~

Southernwood and Sophie had 4 kids, who made up Gen 4: Lira, Drachma, Florin and Krona. Name theme – money. Lira was my heiress.



Lira Portrait

Lira Lift

Lira Darling

(The first picture was taken after Showbiz was lifted so Lira got a makeover.)

LIRA! Oh, LIRA! I love Lira. She’s a Romance sim who wanted 20 simultaneous lovers. She made it work, never wrote an essay in her life, and then became Poseidon’s right hand woman. She was also unapologetically bisexual, and had her first child with university fling Frances J. Worthington III and then her subsequent 5 children with her 3 bolt wife, Anna, who was one of her first loves. She also made getting promotions a lot easier – after she came back from university, where she went permaplat, I think the family had 37 total family friends. Lira is BY FAR my favourite heiress sorry everyone.

Anna Portrait

Anna Lift

Anna Darling (née Ajjanagade – or something like that)

Anna is a Pleasure sim who wanted 50 dream dates. This couldn’t happen, obviously, because we hadn’t lifted Slacker yet. But I kinda broke the rules and got her most of the way there before realising. But she was always really happy and such a good mum to her and Lira’s 5 kids, plus her stepson who eventually became the heir. Anna is my second favourite spouse, next to Sophie.



Florin Portrait

Florin Lift

Florin Darling

Florin Darling is one of my favourite spares. Not only did he roll a LTW which we needed (cha CHING), but after I moved him out to an apartment, I got distracted but had ‘sim whilst minimise’ turned on, having not bought him an apartment yet. He survived by living in the lobby of the apartment complex, getting into endless physical fights with the landlord, grilling hotdogs on an available grill, peeing himself and then cleaning himself in a hot tub, and sleeping on fancy sofas. Basically, he’s a proper lad and I WILL use him for another challenge. Somehow. And yes, I do have pictures, and yes, you will see that uploaded as a supplementary chapter one day in the future.

Drachma Portrait

Drachma Lift

Drachma Darling

Drachma is nice, but was overshadowed this generation by his siblings. He still was the first of the four to lift his career, though, and I have given him a fancy media magnate dressover and a penthouse apartment, so he has that I guess.

Krona Portrait

Krona Lift

KRONA!!! The legendary Showbiz lifter. Honestly, she was overshadowed by Lira and Florin as well, but thank you Krona for letting me have pretty sims once more.

Lira and Anna had 5 kids who made up 5/6ths of Gen 5: Brazzaville, Kinshasa, Santiago, Valparaiso and Juba. Lira also had a child with Frances J. Worthington III: Plymouth. Name theme – interesting capital cities. Plymouth was my heir.



Plymouth Portrait

Plymouth Lift

Plymouth Darling

Plymouth was the last heir of the Darlings, and for that reason holds a special place in my heart.  As the child of Lira and Frances J Worthingtonn II, he’s very pretty and makes amazing faces. He’s a Knowledge sim. He lifted Artist and was always the more serious and responsible one. Kinshasa was going to be the heiress, until she realised she’d have to marry someone, so the responsibility fell to Plymouth. He married Phineaus Furley, a simbin dormie. Plymouth is the only ‘ghost capital’ in the world – it is the official capital city of Montserrat, an island in the West Indies. But in 1995, Plymouth was destroyed by volcanic eruptions. De jure, however, it is still Montserrat’s capital city.

Phineaus Portrait

Phineaus Lift

Phineaus Darling (née Furley)

Phineaus was kind of a social-ladder aspiring ankle-biter who attached himself to the Darling name and fell in love with Plymouth and encouraged Plymouth to fall in love with him. They’re a solid 2 bolt couple, though, and perfectly happy, despite the social climbing aspirations which originally started the relationship.



Brazzaville Portrait

Brazzaville Lift

Brazzaville Darling

Brazzaville is Kinshasa’s twin brother (see below). A light-hearted and happy-go-lucky guy, he (like his sister) didn’t really want to be tied down and opted out of the heirship. He has a successful career as a Prestidigitator, which takes him all over the now restored SimWorld. A Pleasure sim through and through, Brazzaville was named after the capital city of the Republic of Congo which is on the other side of the Congo River, directly opposite Kinshasa, which is the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for which Kinshasa is named.

Kinshasa Portrait

Kinshasa Lift

Kinshasa Darling

Kinshasa, like her brother, is a Pleasure sim. However, she has the 50 first dates LTW. She was originally going to be heiress, but found her desires for wanderlust (fuelled by discovering Doctor Who as a child – from where she took her scarf) overruled her desire to continue the family line, so gave the role to Plymouth. She is still single, but very much ready to mingle – boys Winking smile. She lifted Adventurer.

Santiago Portrait

Santiago Lift

Santiago Darling

Santiago lifted Music, and although pretty, was plain and pretty uninteresting. He was a Rock God though, so he must have had some fans. HIs twin brother is Valparaiso, and the two of them are named after Valparaíso and Santiago, the two capital cities of Chile.

Valparaiso Portrait

Valparaiso Lift

Valparaíso Darling

Valpy lifted Gamer, and although he never partnered with anyone officially and despite his Knowledge sim aspiration, had NO END of suitors. It was really weird. He really liked his gerbils, whom he named after historical leaders of empires. The one you see in his portrait is Hammurabi.

Juba Portrait

Juba Lift

Juba Darling

Finally, Juba Darling. She was born very late, actually turning into a toddler on the day Kinshasa and Brazzaville turned into teenagers. She was always a bit edgier, and gothier, than her siblings. She wrote emo poetry, cut off all her hair, and talked to ghosts. So obviously, she lifted Paranormal. Juba is named after the most recently designated capital city in the world, which is Juba of South Sudan, designated a capital city on South Sudan’s independence in 2015.

After Phineaus lifted Slacker, I completed the challenge! Open-mouthed smile After five generations and loads of hours put into the game, I’m so glad to put up this summary and FINALLY be legitimately able to receive the apocalypse medal. About time I finished a challenge, eh? Smile  To celebrate his promotion, Plymouth and Phineaus had the last Darling baby – Renwyn. Who maaay want to start a legacy of his own, hmmmm……


If he survives childhood that is. Plymouth is not a natural father LMAO.


Anyway, thanks for reading everyone ❤ I hope to get an actual chapter up soon.

Happy Simming!


Oh Darling, It’s The Apocalypse! / 2.1–Medicine and Law / “Low Aspiration Blues”


Guess who’s back from hiatus and ready to post some more sims chapters? It’s me! 😀 Officially posting chapter 2.1 now – but I have good news!

I’ve officially finished the challenge! So now I just need to write up all the chapters for publishing and I can grab myself that awesome apocalypse medal B)


Scott and Francine continue to be a really cute couple. Regardless of Francine’s senility, he still loves her ❤ What a cutie.


& on the subject of cuties! It’s Rosemary’s birthday – Rosemary, by the way, is this generation’s heiress. I chose it arbitrarily, and mostly on the basis of prettiness. So congrats Rosemary on becoming the new Darling heiress!

Rosemary: *baby noises*

Ah, she’s the perfect choice for leading all simkind into a brave, new future.





Hey, Scott, how’re you coping there?

Scott: “ivvevv bnneun ininin woesers sittjglskjdgitnas.” (Author’s translation: I’ve been in worse situations.”

Elijah: “Looks like father has a case of………. foot in mouth. B)”


Rosemary: “Dad? Dad? Hey, Jasper, have you seen dad?”

Jasper: “Wowo, Rosemary, uh…. look down!”

Rosemary: “Oh! Hello dad! :D”

Scott: “helhkk djrlging.” (Author’s translation: Hello darling.)



Rosemary’s face is so relatable right now. I don’t know how, but I feel it on a deep and spiritual level.



I just wanted to show you this because you’ll never see the kids in their normal clothes. Elijah’s shirt matches his dad’s! And Rosemary got the cute princess dress ❤


Whoops, guess I missed Scott’s aging up. He’s old and senile now. Have fun looking after your siblings Elijah and Penelope ❤

Elijah: “Good, good… we shall raise them to be our unholy minion army, through which we will take over the wor-“

Let me stop you there.


Welcome to teenagerdom Jasper! Have fun looking after your siblings ❤

Elijah: “Hey! Wasn’t that our responsibility?”

Not anymore. (Also, sorry for missing your birthday Jasper.)

Jasper: “It’s okay. I’ll cope! :D”

Awww, he’s my favourite spare ❤


He’s also such a cutie. Shout out.



Francine: “Now, now… what will I illegally google today? Hmm…”


Francine: “I mean, whoop de doop I’m a senile older woman and not part of a plot to remove your control over me so I can attain my own philosophical free will.”

I swear to god.




Z!Thai: “Hey, there’s the dude that made it safe for non zombies again! I wanna eat him!”

Hey, me, that’s a Darling. You know. Of that challenge. That we’re trying to win.

Z!Thai: “Well he looks like he has delicious brains and I want them.”

Too bad, look at him go – oh no, guess you’ll just have to eat another townie…

Z!Thai: “But I have 0 body points and always lose the zombification fights Sad smile

I mean, same tbh.


Rosemary: “The nuances of the logic skill are much clearer to me!”

Aw, baby I’m so proud of you! ❤

Rosemary: “Thank you, I am a princess after all! A genius princess who will also be an astronaut, a lawyer and a rock star.”

I love your ambition, but you’re going to lift education. So like… you can be a teacher 😀

Rosemary: “That’s not fun at all.”

Well too bad, you can be an rock star lawyer in space AFTER you open all the universities again. Thanks. ❤

Rosemary: “I feel like my mum would have some feminist theories which make this entire interaction make you look like a horrible person.”

Damn. Now I feel like a horrible person. Oh well.



Hey, it’s time for the first Darling’s adult birthday! This is a milestone! Elijah, how are you feeling about being the first born in-game Darling to reach adulthood? 😀

Elijah: “Oh, well actually I’m feeling rather terrible.”


Elijah: “Uhh…”



Oh, well shit. General warning, this is the first of MANY aspiration failures, hence the title of the chapter ❤




Hey, Elijah, why are you taking Rosemary to your Medical career lot?

Elijah: “She is to be the heiress, yes?”


Elijah: “Well, I thought perhaps I should present to her the realities of this cruel, cruel world which she must save.”

That… seems far too fraternal for me to trust it.

Elijah: “Ridiculous! I have reformed my ways. Go on into the First Aid Centre, Rosemary, I will join you posthaste Smile

Rosemary: “Ok Lijah!”

Wait, Rosema-


Z!Thai: “Wait, random townie! I smell a Darling rapidly approaching!”

Rosemary: “La, la, la la!”


Elijah: “Muahahahahahahaha.”

GUHHHH go lift your restriction Elijah and leave the family lot forever oh my god :,)

(For the record, Rosemary is just fine and not zombified. She is a child. Even Z!Thai has morals.)

Z!Thai: “It’s true, I do! For example, Elijah….”

Wait til he lifts his restriction, then do whatever you want to do ❤



Elijah wrote a book, by the way.

Elijah: “To write the first comprehensive book on Physiology with no formal education at all is rather impressive! Surely it’s worth more praise!”

You tried to kill your sister Elijah.

Elijah: “That’s fair.”



Heyyy, speaking of! Looking good Rosemary B)

Rosemary: “So you know how I wanted to be a rock star lawyer in space?”


Rosemary: “Well instead I just want to be a Celebrity Chef like mum :D”

You still need to lift Education though.

Rosemary: “Why you gotta rain on my dreams like this? :(“

FINE, FINE. You can be a Celebrity Chef-

Rosemary: “Yeeeeessssssss”

…after you lift Education.

Rosemary: “>:/”

It’s that or nothing, lass.

Rosemary: “Fine. I GUESS.”

❤ thanks, sim society thanks you for your brave sacrifice.


That’s some unfortunate colour choices there.
Also I have no idea why she’s in her normal clothes? It’s been a few months honestly.

Rosemary: “Did you cheeaaaat?”

Yeah, Rosemary, I cheated so I could see your ugly polo shirt and cargo pants clothes combo. THAT’S what I wanted to go down for.

Rosemary: “Don’t blame you, you are looking at future Minister of Education and Celebrity Chef Rosemary Darling!”

Well, at least you finally have a personality.

Rosemary: “Rude.”

Love you! ❤


Apparently I also got Penelope a part-time job. I think this was just because I wanted to give her some facetime.

Penelope: “Hey everybo-“

That’s enough Penelope for now.


Get a promotion so I can get you out of here even quicker and also so we can have showers back! Thanks Open-mouthed smile

Elijah: “I feel used.”

Welcome to apocaspare life.


I only provided this picture because Penelope looks demonic. Congrats, Pen. ❤


I can’t remember why I took this picture but look how cute Francine is! My sweet, senile, finally operating on free-will founder.

Francine: “I feel so liberated! Everyone should try being senile!”

I mean, it’s a good excuse to get out of responsibilities tbh.

Upcoming: more cute Francine pictures.





Francine: “I love this book on cleaning bathrooms so much! I wonder which tile they’ll clean nex- ooh dear, I forgot how high up we live.”

Please move away from the sheer drop to death.

Francine: “Gotcha.”

Thank god.



Promotion #1! You go Elijah 😀 Please hurry up 😀 I’m terrified for Rosemary’s life 😀




Whoops. Happy birthday Penelope! 😀 Right, off to city hall to go fill your job lot visit requirement so you can lift Law and you and your brother can LEAVE.




(Please ignore the flashing blue doors. Do not look behind the flashing blue doors. The wizard is NOT behind the flashing blue doors.)



Heyy! Well done Penelope! Please get more promotions! So I can move you out and never look at you or your twin ever again!

Penelope: “He isn’t my twin, Great Annoyance.”

Bite me.

Penelope: “Winking smile

Nope. Bye.




More promotions!


Aw, look at this cute sibling bonding ❤

Rosemary: “Jasper, how do you feel about the face time being given to the creepy twins?”

Jasper: “Honestly Rosemary, I feel like it’s very un-wowo.”

😦 That hurt more than you think it did Jasper. Right in the hear- Holy shit look at this



Penelope and Elijah: “<3”

N O This is NOT Game of Thrones GOODBYE




Amusingly, right after Elijah got another medical promotion EVERYONE was ill.

Thank god Francine bulk made Grandma’s comfort soup honestly. I’m not feeling everyone being killed by the common cold.






In the mean time, looking at Darlings who I like, Rosemary is busy making friends! (And meeting possible future spouses COUGH COUGH.)

Rosemary: “So anyway, I was like – “I want to be a rock star lawyer in space!” and he said “No!” – to an EIGHT year old!!! Can you believe it?”


Andrea: “That’s HORRIBLE, what a terrible man!”

Goopy (I don’t know if that’s this guy’s name, but it is now.): “I’m so GLAD I’m not a challenge sim, you poor person!”

Rosemary: “Right? Anyway, the mutiny meeting is at 8pm tomorrow ni-“


Rosemary: “Uh, nothing.”



Aw, look how happy Rosemary is.

Rosemary: “So anyway, now I want to be a celebrity chef, right…”

Phil: “Really? Like your mum?”

Rosemary: “Yes! Exactly!”

Phil: “I believe in you, Rosemary!”

Rosemary: “Aw, thanks Phil. What’s YOUR dream?”

Phil: “Oh, you know… the usual… happy family… workplace satisfaction… Be a Criminal Mastermind…. cough.”

Hmmm…. I need to lift Criminal….


How’s life, Francine?

Francine: “Oh it’s great! I have a lovely family, a beautiful husband who is still alive and who I would be terribly broken up over if he were to die before me… Absolutely nothing could ruin my happiness right now Smile

Huh. Well that’s nice!

Wait, what’s that sound?




Well. Whoops.

Rest in peace Scott.

You lifted Military and made two cute ginger children ❤ And you made Francine happy with your chess puns! I’ll be sad you’re gone but not that sad because now I have space for more babies in the future. Thanks for that. ❤

How are you doin’, Francine.



Francine: “Just fine! Absolutely fine! We’re doing great, aren’t we Floursack Baby Darling? Yes we are! Yes we are!”

W e l p.





1 lift down! 1 more to go! Come on Penelope! You guys can enjoy showers and hot tubs now! Thanks Elijah 😀

Elijah: “Wait, do you mean it?”

Uhh, I guess.

Elijah: “Aw, Great Annoyance :,)”

You’re still creepy and terrifying.

Elijah: “That’s fair.”



Aww, look at Jasper! All grown up, functional and ready to become the Head of the SCI-



Jasper: “Wowowowowowo ;_;”

Oh no baby 😦 It’s okay, just let the therapist do his work and then you can go get your job thanks so much when you’ve moved out you can be platinum ALL day ❤



Progress! How are you feeling Jasper?

Jasper: “I’m okay. Just… I didn’t get to go to university. I’m so sad, Great Annoyance.”

And your dad’s dead.

Jasper: “Uh, yeah. That too.”


Jasper: “I AM SAD! I’m just. More sad about me.”

That’s fair.

Jasper: “Wow-o.”



Penelope just lifted Law! Now we can move everyone out! Yay! 😀 Also, bye Francine.


Francine: “…wait, what?”

You’re moving out with Penelope and Elijah! 😀

Francine: “Me. Alone. In a house. With the terror twins.”



I mean, no, but I’d rather if you die it be on another lot because like… I already have one ghost. So. Have fun.

Francine: “SERIOUSLY”

I promise I’ll move you out with Jasper when he lifts his restriction!!!

Francine: “Just let me die Great Annoyance.”

No, it would make me too sad :C Have a good time!

Elijah and Penelope: “Worry not, mother! We’ll take good care of you! <3”

Francine: “Goodbye, cruel world. I have entered the burning fires of hell.”



They all live here now.

And yes, it really does look this ominous when it’s not dark and snowing.

Francine: “What did I do to deserve this”



But look, Francine! Jasper’s just got a promotion! You’ll be out of there soon!

Francine: “Jasper, I swear on your father’s urn that if you don’t lift this restriction soon I WILL haunt you.”

Jasper: “…gulp.”


Finito! Expect the next chapter… eventually lmao.

Happy simming!

– Thai

Oh Darling, It’s The Apocalypse! / 1.3 – Military / “A Tale of Two Sinks”


Get ready kids, because 1.3 is finally out!! Officially finished my first year of university, and I’ve only had three or four or fifteen breakdowns. Thanks everyone for your patience Smile Fun update: I’m officially four lifts away from completing the apocalypse!


Scribbled out to avoid spoilers! Winking smile Although I’m fairly certain literally no-one will be able to remember what happened in these chapters by the time I get all the way to the end.

Anyway, moving on!

Last time on ODITA: Francine lifted Culinary and Hopelessness and married Scott, who is going to lift Military. They continued making bad chess puns. I continued to google different chess puns.
& I never showed you Scott’s everyday wear – so, let’s go!



We got the cursed apocalypse jodhpurs!! Sad smile Scott, you’re looking really comfy there.

Scott: “This smile is hiding the chafing pain I am getting from these riding boots.”

Welcome to the apocalypse: you will suffer here.

Scott: “It’s okay, I would do anything for Francine, my Queen…”

Do you guys ever like, check yourself before you make terrible chess flirts? Or no?

Scott: “Check… as in… checkmate?”


Scott: “We checkmate often Winking smile

Why do I do this to myself


Scott: “So my Queen… this is what you ate for so long without me?”

Francine: “I know! I think I’ve found every single way to cook a hotdog. Boiled, grilled, frozen and then flash heated, toileted…”

Scott: “What does… what does toileted mean?”

Francine: “Smile

Scott: “Did… did you toilet these hotdogs?”

Francine: “Smile Smile Smile

The apocalypse does strange things to people.


Anyway, Scott got a job in Military. He didn’t get level 8 like Francine, but Elite Forces is high enough. It is why this chapter is a lot longer than Francine’s though!


Wow, I was going to write really horrible chess-related dirty talk, but that joke is so tired now.

Francine: “Oh, Scott! You really put the mate in checkma-

I’m going to have to stop you there Francine.

Thank you for your co-operation.

First baby Darling is on the way though!


We also take this opportunity to build Francine a fancy new kitchen! Yay Francine! Congrats on getting a proper oven!


Hmm, I guess they don’t really feel about talking about ovens right now. This is a sweet picture though and I just wanted to share it Smile



Francine: “Oh, Scott! Roses are red, violets are blue, I was so lonely without you!”

Cringe. But they’re both so in love it’s really sweet! They’re always flirting with each other and following each other around the apocashack. ❤


In this picture: me stopping paying attention to my sims results in two rule breaks in one second. Francine can’t cook thermidor until Oceanography is lifted and Scott can’t juggle until Entertainment is lifted. So consider this me repenting for my sims’ sins lmao. I did stop them both after I took the picture. RIP that thermidor though I bet it was going to be delicious.


Francine: “Oh, god. I shouldn’t have eaten the poisoned lobster.”

Hey, I did try to stop you! It bloated you and made you worship the porcelain throne.

Francine: “Ugh. I hope this doesn’t make me go bald like that one waitress from last chapter.”

You’ll be fine. *cough cough*



The following day was mostly just work, honestly.


We got visited by Ani-Mei again, though! Hi Ani-Mei! How’s life? Smile 

Z!Ani-Mei: “Well, I’ve successfully zombified several townies. That’s pretty cool.”

Congratulations, who’s winning the ‘zombify the most townies’ competition right now?

Z!Ani-Mei: “Me, obviously. Reigning Zombification Champion Z!Ani-Mei, at your service!”

So… why are you at the Darling lot and not zombifying townies?

Z!Ani-Mei: “Well, me and the other simselves have a pool running… first person to zombify a Darling gets the whole lot.”

Wow! Would you look at that! It’s time for you to go!

Z!Ani-Mei: “Look, I just want to say hi to Francine… that’s all.”


Z!Ani-Mei: “Damn it.”


With Z!Ani-Mei gone, we can say hi to the first new Darling! Congrats on the bump, Francine! ❤

Francine: “I am visibly shocked by this!”

I can tell!


Hey, Scott. Your wife is pregnant.

Scott: “That’s fantastic! Soon we will have our first pawn! Also, I am taking Francine through the zombie infested streets on a road trip.”


Scott: “I need to visit my work lot as per the rules, and someone forgot to send me!”

Damn, you’re right. FINE. But if you run into a simself, run.

Scott: “Why’s that?”

I mean, they’re zombies, but they also very specifically want to eat your brains.

Scott: “Ah, that’ll be why.”


Great, you’re here! Now, time to g-


Z!Shan (shannonagins on Boolprop): “Is that… Darlings I smell?”



Thankfully, Francine and Scott got home safely. Francine was just really hungry. Dude, you have a full plate of pancakes right there.

Francine: “I know! This milk is my starter, plus the cayenne peppers and the ketchup.”


Francine: “Cravings are the worst.”

Apparently they are. Fun fact: Francine on free will ONLY EVER made pancakes during this pregnancy. I just thought you guys would appreciate this fact.


And whilst Francine was dealing with cravings, Scott was working on his #body. Lookin’ good, Scott!

Scott: *flex* *flex*



Well, whatever makes you happy.


All that intense flexing seemed to work though, and Scott got another promotion! Yay! One step closer Smile


Whoops. So anyway, I must have forgotten to screenshot the second bump. But here’s a picture of Francine giving birth!


This little fellow, with skin 2, Scott’s green eyes and Francine’s hair is Elijah. Hi Elijah!

Elijah: *blank baby stare*

He’s going to lift Medical. You can see the intelligence already.

Elijah: *blink*


Francine: “Awww, welcome to hell little guy.”

❤ That’s how I’d want to be welcomed into the world.






Elijah’s baby years passed quickly, and as you can see, the Darlings have another little’un on the way! Happy birthday Elijah, please be cute. Or have nice hair. Either of these preceding statements. Ideally both.




O H.


Well, damn.

See what I mean when this was going to be a great plotty apocalypse. Aplotalypse, if you will. I EVEN HAD THIS SEPIA TONED EDIT READY TO GO.

Honestly, I just want to finish a challenge though so you guys are stuck with this. Maybe next time!

Anyway. Elijah isn’t that cute. Hopefully he’ll be the only one who has this mysterious plot-disease however.


Maybe he’ll… grow into it? :I Hi Elijah!! You’re still sweet because you’re Francine and Scott’s baby and I love them both!

Elijah: “It is okay, Great Annoyance-“

Wow, excuse you.

Elijah: “…I have accepted this as my fate. I will therefore endeavour to study medicine in order to prevent any future children from suffering from this mysterious unloaded mesh hair disease. It is so sad.”

Aren’t you, like, half a year old?

Elijah: “Yes, but an old soul… wizened by years in wait. I chose this difficult path and so I shall walk it.”

Man, Francine and Scott’ll have a field day with you when they find out about this.


Scott: “Okay, Elijah! Say ‘bear’!”

Elijah: “Boo… boo… ga!”

Scott: “No, ‘bear’!”

Elijah: “Boo…ga!!!”

You crafty bast*rd.

Elijah: “Boo-ga! Smile

I’m watching you.


Francine: “Baby number two already?”

You have absolutely no time to waste my dear. You have 7 days left of adulthood, that’s two more babies after this one! Get on it! Open-mouthed smile 


Bump #1!


And Scott’s on his way up! Not long to go now! Smile


Bump #2!

Francine: “Did I actually ever move from this spot?”

Well I mean, you went back into bed? But I promise this was taken on two separate days, even though it looks really suspicious ;n; I’m not a dirty cheater, speeding up a pregnancy is totally against the apocalypse spirit.

Francine: “…cheater? What does this mean? Can you cheat our reality? Is… reality… not real?”

Hey, what names are you considering for the new baby?

Francine: “Oh! Well if it’s a girl I was thinking…”

(Phew. Gotta nip those exsimstential crises in the bud asap.)


Here comes the new baby!

Elijah: “Yes, mother! Create my minion!”

You’re not old enough to have a minion.

Elijah: “Ahah! But you are wrong. I have summoned her from the netherworld in much the same way I too have arrived. She will assist me in my eventual goal of saving simanity from my disease…”


Elijah: “…by having the disease herself! Muahahahahahah!”

What? Oh no. Is this… is this… the dreaded first born syndrome?


Why you gotta be an evil saviour of simanity?

Elijah: “BOOGA!”


Anyway, yes. This is Penelope.

Francine: “Wow, she really reminds me of someone!”

Tell me about it. She has first born syndrome. I know this from the rest of the pictures in this chapter. Sigh. Couldn’t have even gotten first born syndrome on a cute baby :,)

Elijah: “Excuse you, I will not take this insult to my adorableness!”


Elijah: “HMPH.”


On a lighter note, look how lovely Francine’s potty training face is! ❤

Francine: “Man, you’d think pooping in a bowl was pretty easy.”

I know, right?

Elijah: “I am but a child and on this earthly plain my movements are limited by four poorly-construed limbs! In the netherworld, I can poop in not just bowls but also any other concave instrument I so desire! Even convex!”

Francine: “Aww, he’s trying to say my name! Smile It’s not “netherworld”, it’s mama!”

Well, at least she’s not having an exsimstential crisis.


Having successfully learned how to poop on this mortal plane, Elijah is growing up! Let’s see if he grows into those froggy eyes!

Elijah: “I will not take any more insults to my appearance! I am beautiful and simply want to save simani- ooh, pretty lights!”

Scott: “Happy birthday dear frogchild, happy birthday to youuuu~!”


Well. I’ve seen worse!

Elijah: “As you can tell, I am rather beautiful! I am simply a late bloomer!”

Would it make you feel better if I just marvelled in your brilliance from now on?

Elijah: “Ideally, yes.”

Of course, Sir Dr Elijah Darling of the Netherworld. Lift us from our chains and save us from our showerless world.

Elijah: “Perfectly executed, pleb!”



Elijah: “Do. Not. Say. A. Word.”

Oh, your majesty Sir Dr Elijah Darling of the Netherworld! You broke that sink so fantastically!

Elijah: “I will reach through your screen and you too will suffer as I have suffered.”

Of course, Sir Dr Elijah Darling of the Netherworld. I await your merciful and justified punishment for my trespasses.

Elijah: “I’m watching you.”

I’m watching you.

Elijah: “HMPH.”



Meanwhile, upstairs and completely oblivious are Scott and Francine

Scott: “Oh, my Queen! We have already two wonderful additions to our army, shall we add one more?”

Francine: “Oh, my King, I thought you would never ask!”

On second thought, I think I prefer talking to Elijah.



Hey, Elijah.

Elijah: “Use my full title.”

Hey, Sir Dr Elijah Darling of the Netherworld.

Elijah: “Yes, pleb?”

Did you know your parents used chess to make you? Smile

Elijah: “Wait… how?”

Well, when two adult sims love each other very, very mu-


…they have a very specia-

Elijah: “You know what? I don’t need logic skills anyway. I’m going to go wash my hands 10 times to remove my bodily stink. And you, pleb, are not invited!”

…That’s understandable.


Elijah: “I thought I’d said you weren’t invited!”

I know, but I needed a picture of the child stinky and washing their hands in the sink. It’s apocalypse tradition.

Elijah: “Curse your tradition!”

Hey, you gonna use that soap?

Elijah: “…Yes.”

Okay, just wanted to be sure! It removes bacteria! Very handy Smile

Elijah: “What’s your game plan?”

I don’t know, honestly. When I started writing this dialogue column it seemed a lot funnier in my head than on paper.

Elijah: “Ah, ‘tis the curse of us geniuses. Permanently thinking at a higher level than everyone else, and no-one will ever understand us…”

Aw, you called me a genius!

Elijah: “No! I never! You are but a pleb! A pleb!”

Awww, he likes me ❤

Elijah: “PLEB!”


Happy birthday Penelope! We know exactly what you’re going to look like but welcome to the world!

Penelope: “Brother… I am nearly ready to assist you.”

Elijah: “Good, good, Lady Penelope. Together, we will lead the charge into a bright and glorious future!”

Guys, you’re like 5. Calm down.

Elijah: “There will be those that oppose us… but ignore their hate. We will rise above.”

Penelope: “Of course, Elijah. Of course!

I want to scream.


And no one is surprised haha. Checked their personalities to be certain and sure as anything, they both have the same personality points. Sigh.

Penelope: “Brother!”

Elijah: “Sister!”

Absolutely terrifying.





Sorry lad, no can do. That’s down to you ❤


Physically impossible my dude. Lift Medical, and then we’ll talk.

I always feel bad for child sims in the apocalypse, they can’t sponge bath and so they have to wash their hands unendingly. Never get the chance to just be kids and have fun, they’re just chained to the sink!

Elijah: “You put me through this.”

Hey, you’re the one who came from the netherworld, let’s not forget this.

Elijah: “HMPH!”


I forgot why I took this picture, but here’s a picture of Scott crying I guess.

Scott: “The wallpaper… is just… so… ugly!”

Ah, I see. I thought it was suitable for the apocalypse!

Scott: “The apocalypse… is just… so… ugly!”

I mean, that’s part of the vibe I guess. Sorry dude. Go lift Military and maybe your kids will see a prettier world ❤


How’s it goin’ Elijah?

Elijah: “This is my 14th handwashing today.”

Pretty tragic, eh.

Elijah: “It’s not just tragic, it’s SO INCONVENIENT! How can I take over the wor- I mean, save simanity, without access to a SHOWER!?”

I don’t know dude, maybe your plan to take over the world can happen after you study up to lift Medical?

Elijah: “You’re terrible. Pity me, pleb!”

Oh, Sir Dr Elijah Darling of the Netherworld, I do. I do.


Elijah: “Mother! Look! Is that a zombie!?”

Francine: “A… zombi- wait.”

Elijah: “I’m AFRAID, MOTHER!”

Francine: *narrows eyes* “I feel like you’re cheating, but as I’m your mother I feel obligated to check. Don’t you dare move a single piece.”

Elijah: “Why would I ever do that? Smile


Scott got another promotion! Open-mouthed smile One step closer to lifting Military!


Of course, we have no time to waste! We have two more pregnancies max to get through before Francine becomes old and senile, so get to it kids!

Francine: “Great annoyance, you don’t need to tell us twice~”

Gross. And where’d you learn that!?

Scott: “Elijah is really such a creative kid!”

Francine: “Let’s make some more~”

Francine the family sim is obviously enjoying this more than she should. Anyway. Swiftly segueing away from this trashfire of a moodsetting conversation.


I actually forgot why I took this picture. I think Elijah got cold? I don’t know dudes.

Elijah: “How could you forget the circumstances which lead to this wonderful image of my perfect self!?”

I don’t know dude, you tell me.

Elijah: “As my entire dialogue is manufactured and created by you, I would argue that this is simply you telling yourself.”

Damn, that’s meta. You can tell he’s Francine’s kid.


Penelope! I totally forgot you existed!

Penelope: “Well I’ve been in the background, silently plotting and scheming. Perhaps I never wanted you to remember? Smile

Right, that’s why. You’re a knock-off version of your brother.

Penelope: “But soon I will become the Almighty Law of This Land and you will fear the wrath of my gavel.”

Penelope will be lifting Law for us so we can move her and Elijah out as soon as possible ❤

Penelope: “And we will be able to operate unwatched…”

And unplayed.


I’m honestly amazed by how identical they look despite one being a boy and the other a girl.

Penelope: “Gender is manufactured by society.”

Oh, you right, sorry about that.

Penelope: “It’s okay, Elijah and I will help destroy those preconceptions when we take over the world.”

You know what? That’s actually pretty chill. If you need any help taking over the world, send me a message. I’ll lend a hand B)


Let’s play a game! Is this Elijah, or Penelope? Elijah, or Penelope? Elijah…….. or Penelope?

I’ll give you a second to think about it.

If you guessed Penelope……. congratulations! It’s Penelope! She was apparently really tired when I grew her up, oops.



Boom, here comes another pop! And yes, I rolled the pacifier dice this time. I don’t think I could handle a third Elijah clone.

Elijah: “Sister… he has foiled our plan.”

Penelope: “Brother, worry not. We will prevail nonetheless.”

Francine: “Hey, Scott, you ever worry about the kids?”

Scott (off-screen): “No, they seem perfectly normal!”

Francine: “Ah of course, silly me.”


Penelope: “Mama?”

Francine: “What’s up, Pen?”

Penelope: “Will this baby look like brother and I?”

Francine: “God, I hope not.”

Penelope: “What was that, mama?”

Francine: “Oh, nothing! Nothing! This baby has the same parents as you so it’s entirely possible! Smile

Penelope: “Fantastic.”

Francine: “…Yes.”


Francine: “Doctor, my children terrify me!”

The Shrink: “Ah, yez. Zis is most common in apocalypzes. Fear not Franzina, change vill come.”



Important information: This is not all from the same aspiration failure. This is two different ones. Poor Francine, this pregnancy was particularly hard on her. I’m also terrible at fulfilling wants, apparently.


It also does not help at all when the two kids break every sink in the house. They’re constantly on the fritz. Case and point is above. I guarantee you that in 80% of the pictures included in this chapter that have a sink in them, that the sink will be broken.


Pop #2!


Sooo… what are you kids doing.

Elijah: “Chess.”

Penelope: “I’m beating brother!”

Just… playing chess? Not like, plotting world domination? Murder?

Elijah: “Just playing chess!”


Penelope: “And I move my tank-bishop to your footsoldier-pawn and CRUSH HIM.”

Ah, there we go.

Penelope: “It’s just chess, Great Annoyance! Smile

I wish you guys would stop calling me that.

Elijah: “You’re the one typing it, pleb!”

Damn. You got me there.


So, this is illegal under the Athletics restrictions, and I promise I would have stopped it right away… if Penelope wasn’t swinging on the fence.

Penelope: “Yes! This is the best fencespinning ever!”

Scott: “You can fly, Penny!”

Penelope: “I can see the whole driveway from here!!!!”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hmLC1aBASg Go here if you want to see this sweet, fence-swinging action in it’s full glory. Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to embed it in my blog writer program!


And whilst Penelope is being swung on a fence, Francine is giving birth! How’s it going Francine?

Francine: “It really does NOT get easier the third time around.


This is Jasper, and thank plumbob he isn’t a clone.

Francine has recessive red hair and blue eyes and I’m happy to see he inherited all of her recessives! Smile He also got her skin tone. What a pretty lad ❤

Penelope: “Brother, the new minion is not a clone… Report. Over.”

Elijah: “The plan has failed this time around, but my sources inform me of at least one more opportunity. We will have to be vigilant. Over.”


Perhaps Elijah’s failure to make Jasper a clone was due to him being distracted by his chess board! Wow! Congrats on reaching level 10 logic before even turning into a teen, Elijah.

Elijah: “It was natural to me, of course, as I am a genius.”

Of course, Elijah, of course.


And on that, here comes our first teen! Woo! No more confusion!


With his teendom, here’s Elijah’s personality points. Yep. And Penelope has exactly the same. 10 neat points and a whopping total of 1 nice point! Aren’t the Darlings just darling? Open-mouthed smile How do you feel, Elijah?


Elijah: “Like I want to learn everything… and that I really like fit people who wear jewellery. Also, I’d like my first kiss but only after I max my cleaning skill… Pleb.”

Penelope: “Brother, have you lost your lustre? Surprised smile

Elijah: “No… certainly not… but I really want to kiss someone.”

Too bad Elijah. Maybe if you were the heir, but you’re not. Whoops.

Elijah: “Well, in that case I will have to redraft my plans to take over the world.”

Penelope: “Fantastic, brother. Let us begin…”



By the way, Scott is moving up the ranks really slowly but he is getting there! Which means this chapter is nearly over, oh no! :C

Also, Scott, you always bring Marisa home.

Scott: “Honestly? I think she follows me. I think she knows that because I’m part of the apocalypse family she can’t be zombified.”

Marisa: “ALL of my friends are zombies, Scott. ALL OF THEM. Damn simselves.”


If this wasn’t going to be a spoiler-y image, this would have totally been the chapter title, by the way.

Elijah: “Father, do you HAVE to wear those grey leotards?”

Scott: “Child, do you REALLY not appreciate these FINE glutes of mine? These will be yours some day too!”

Elijah: “Disgusting! I have cleaning skill to maximise.”

Scott: “How is he my kid again?”

Somehow, I blame Francine.

Francine (off-screen): “HEY!”

*cough cough* Maybe you shouldn’t have eaten the tainted lobster. Just a thought.


Four days left until Francine is old!! Get on it, kids! One more!

Francine: “Don’t need to ask me twice!”

I’m glad they’re still happy at least.


Elijah: “Maybe if I clean loud enough, I shan’t hear mother and father… cahooting.”

Hey, that’s how you were made.


Also, how cute is the fact that Elijah has the jumper version of his dad’s shirt! Aw ❤


Penelope: “Oh, look at papa! Papa, you’ve missed the bed! Silly papa!”

Scott: *literally collapsed from exhaustion*

Penelope: *raucous laughter*

Have I mentioned that Elijah and Penelope terrify me yet? Because they do.


Aw, look at Elijah! Stepping up as a big brother and taking Jasper to the cake.

Elijah: “You made me do this, Great Annoyance. This is your doing!”

Look, Francine is busy vomiting and Scott is collapsed in your bedroom. And SOMEONE had to do it, so it was you. Congratulations on being an adult.

Elijah: “I dislike this new sense of responsibility that comes with greater age >:c”

God, same, dude.


Omg! Jasper is adorable ❤ Hi Jasper!

Jasper: “Hi Jaspwer!”

Aww, what a sweety ❤

Jasper: “SWEET!”

Elijah: “What… what is this?”

Probably a child who wasn’t planning murder and world domination from the day he turned into a toddler.

Elijah: “Simply unnatural and unrealistic, what a convoluted writing technique.”

Jasper: *rubbing Elijah’s head* “Heheheheh.”

I love him.


Plus side to Elijah being a teen: I can make him look after the little kids. Additional plus side: his potty training face is amazing. He looks so annoyed.




Many bump pictures. Not a lot happened in between each bump – or at least not enough that I wanted to take pictures of it. I honestly can’t remember, it’s been a couple of months since these pictures were taken haha.


It’s Pen’s birthday today! Happy birthday Penelope! You can now also begrudgingly take care of your younger siblings!

Penelope: “Fantastic. I shall convert them to my ways.”

Yes… well, good luck with that.


Penelope: “Not to brag, brother, but I am totally willing to argue that I’m the best looking one, now!”

Elijah: “Ridiculous! We literally look exactly the same!”

Penelope: “And somehow, I still look better!”

Oooh, are some cracks forming in team frogchild?

Elijah: “Is that truly our teamname? Can it not be something cooler?”

Penelope: “Brother is right. May I recommend ‘Penelope and the Followers’?”

Elijah: *ANGER POSE*

Muahahahah. So it begins.

I forgot to take a picture of Penelope’s aspiration, but she’s a Fortune sim. I can’t remember her turn ons and offs, and they don’t matter anyway because she’s not heir either. Sorry Penny ❤

Penelope: “I hold no ill will to this decision.”

Elijah: “I might be holding some ill will to you.”

Penelope: “How could you? I’m perfect <3”


The birthday celebrations are then interrupted by Francine giving birth to her last kid! And it’s also the first time she’s given birth and Scott has actually been there, honestly.


This sweetie is Rosemary! She is also not a clone (Penelope: “Damn!”). Rosemary has s1 skin from Scott, red hair from both parents and is the only kid to get Francine’s lovely brown eyes! ❤

Rosemary: *baby noises*

Francine: “Please be a normal child. :,)”


This is a lovely picture! The whole family is skilling together! I feel like I had a wittier comment to put here but I can’t remember it, so just admire this cute family-ish shot.


Jasper’s birthday! ❤

Elijah: “Why is aging these children up suddenly my responsibility?”

Because I say so, now stop being a spoilsport and sing happy birthday.


Jasper: “Wowo! I have hands!”


Jasper: “WOWO!”

WOWO! How’s being older suit you Jasper?

Jasper: “Wowo, I love it! I can say weird words and have them be written down as words and not asterisk descriptions!”

Elijah: “Ahaha, there is hope for him yet.”

Jasper: “Wowo! Hi big brother! Hi little sister!”

Oh, baby. I want you to lift Intelligence but somehow I feel having a catchphrase won’t help you when you’re trying to allude detection.

Jasper: “Wowo?”

Wowo Sad smile




Penelope never did max her logic skill as a child, but she’s caught up to her brother now as a teen!


And speaking about catching up…


You make a really pretty elder, Francine!

Francine: “And now best of all, I’m free to do whatever I want because I’m old!”

Damn straight, Francine. You exercise that free will.


Rosemary is growing up!


It’s okay. She grows into her face. She’s cute in her own way!

Rosemary: “CYUTE!”

Yes, cyute! I want Rosemary here to lift Education so we can get that every skill bookshelf. It will be so helpful.

Rosemary: “Educayshun?”

Yes, educayshun! Now go be adorable somewhere else out of shot whilst I figure out a personality for you.


Oh. Well. That’s. That’s not what I wanted to happen.

Penelope: “Oh look! Little sister has fainted! Brother, come see! This is FANTASTIC!”

Oh, Penny.


Ah yes. Well done Jasper. I guess you’ll grow up to be fantastic at sabotage.

This, by the way, was why I named this chapter ‘A tale of two sinks’. I somehow thought this screenshot was a lot earlier on than it was. Alas, the sinks weren’t the best choice of title here.

Jasper: “It’s okay! You still wrote a wowo chapter!”

Aw, thanks Jasp. Question: how do you pronounce wowo?

Jasper: “Wow-whoa, maybe?? When your entire dialogue is written down and not spoken, it makes definitive pronunciation very hard!”

…Yes, yes it does. Thanks Jasp.

Jasper: “Wowo! No problem! Open-mouthed smile


…Who left Rosemary up here?

Penelope: “I don’t know! Maybe she’s just fantastic at climbing stairs? Smile


Penelope: “Oh… how unfortunate….”


Penelope: “I’ve done nothing! If she crawls off… well it’s her fault!”

Rosemary: “FAWLT! Open-mouthed smile

Penelope: “See?”



Finally, finally, Scott has maxed his body skill so he can get those much needed last two promotions!! God, this chapter has been so long, but it’s nearly done! We’re in the home stretch!


And Penelope, in all her evil ‘fantasticness’ isn’t far behind.


BOOM! One more promotion left! You can do it Scott!

Scott: “It feels more likely that I’ll faint of exhaustion.”

Well don’t do it near your daughter if you do. She will laugh at you.


This is a lovely and very sweet picture. I can’t remember why I shared it, but it’s very cute. Please enjoy it.

Thank you.


Jasper is just so cute as well!

Jasper: “Wowo! Thank you Open-mouthed smile

God, can you believe that catchphrase was a typo? I just love it so much ❤



Congrats Scott!

Scott: “Can I go to bed now?”

Scott, babe, you can sleep forever now if you like ❤


So that’s it for this chapter Open-mouthed smile I hope that you enjoyed reading!

Happy simming, everyone!

– Thai

Oh Darling, It’s The Apocalypse! / 1.2 – Culinary and Hopelessness


Welcome to 1.This is a short chapter! It’s literally just 40 pictures :,)


So here we are! How do you like your new house, Francine?

Francine: “YOU!”



Do I…


Pics or it didn’t happen


I mean I GUESS.


Yeah, and you’ve been given the opportunity to save simanity! How cool is that Open-mouthed smile

Francine: “WHY ME”

Because I made you in CAS and thought “Yes, she’ll do!”

Francine: “I’m so angry at you. You could have at least told me!”

Think of this as a unique way to study the human condition…

Francine: “Well, putting it that way…”

Open-mouthed smile

Francine: “I still hate you though.”

That’s fair.


Francine: “I think what I’ll miss most is the food.”

The food?

  1. Francine: “Well I can only eat one meal a day right? So… the food.”

It’s a good thing you did the one major which helps the Culinary career then! Right-o, off to the careers lot before you go sign up for the job, because that’s what you have to do under these rules.

Francine: “I still don’t get why rules so tightly constrain our reality now. How real can such a tightly constrained reality be?”

Man, soup is SO good right?

Francine: “Oh my god! Yes! Vegetable soup, leek and potato soup, minestrone soup…”



Francine: “Gazpacho soup… french onion soup… chicken soup…”

Hey, your job. You need to get that.

Francine: “Oxtail soup!”



Francine: “I really want soup now. There’s a soup kitchen set up in town right?”

Yes, in the church! And it’s exactly where you need to go ❤ Go get a job there!

Francine: “N i c e. I’m going to make so many soups.”

Is soups a word? What’s soup’s plural? Hmm.


Francine: “This doesn’t look like a church at all.”

That’s because I a) built it and b) made a weird elaborate backstory for it when I still thought this story was going to have plot.

Francine: “You what mate?”

Nothing, nothing. It was basically going to be a manor that was taken over by a convent as a place of refuge for people. It was going to be great until I realised I can’t build & am too lazy to write a plot ❤

Francine: “I wonder how my King is doing… I hope he’s okay.”

He’s fine, he’s a dormie, he exists in the void until we demand him not to.

Francine: “Huh?”



Francine: “It’s kind of grim isn’t it?”

It *IS* the apocalypse, Francine.

Francine: “Why are the walls two different colours?”

In MY mind they were temporary walls set up to separate the eating area from the upstairs refuge area and the kitchen.

Francine: “That doesn’t really make sense.”

You don’t own me.


Look! I even built this really elaborate upstairs area to be a refugee station! It was going to be so great.

Francine: “You know, I really don’t care about your failed attempts at narrating this well.”

Rude, but true.


Francine got served by this waitress, Rose, who I was mildly concerned by.

Francine: “Man, I’d really like this meal I can’t have! Hi Ms Waitress!”

Rose: “Please, call me Rose!”


Rose seems to have got a glitchy hair, which I should have made a note of removing before I regretted it. Spoiler: I regretted it later. That’ll be in chapter 1.3, get ready for that kids B)



Moving swiftly on, how’s the sponge bath life going Francine? C:

Francine: “I hate it and everything you stand for. Why am I not Iifting medical?“

Because you can die of starvation. You can’t die of stinkiness.

Francine: “What if people hate me because I’m stinky :C”

80% of sims in the world are zombies.

Francine: “The only zombies I’ve seen have been expositional.”

Oh, well now that you’ve said that…


Zombie!Pony: “I need to PEE!”

Hi simselves ❤ I just took the ones I already have installed so if anyone wants their simself included as a zombie, please tell me so I can have them zombified. It IS an apocalypse after all.

Also, too bad Pony. You’re living on this empty lot until I townify you and then you’re off to wander around the world, perhaps never seen again…

Z!Pony: “That’s great and all, but I still need to go to the toilet.”

Let’s go say hi to everyone else!

Z!Pony: “Don’t ignore me, Tha-“


Here we see Ani-Mei (also Ani-Mei on the Boolprop forums) and Ayesha (Dark Star/Ayesha123Play) gossiping.

Hey, what are you guys talking about?

Z!Ani-Mei: “Oh, he’s here. Wow, how about Palmer? One hell of a duck!”

Z!Ayesha: “Oh, I KNOW!”


Z!Pony: “Doesn’t feel so good now, does it Thai?”



And here we have Sim!Thai and Shan (shannonagins on the forums). They’re talking about something, probably.

Z!Thai: “God, and big me is so OBNOXIOU- Oh, hi big me!”

Oh, not you two too! Sad smile

Z!Shan: “Hey, let’s go zombify the dude in the stripy jumper behind me.”

Z!Thai: “MY TURN!”


Z!Thai: “Hi random townie! Come party with us on this lot!”

Unfortunate Townie: “Yay! I love parties!”


Z!Ayesha: “DECK HIM!! DECK HIM!!”

Z!Pony: “I still really need to pee! This is so stressful!”




Z!Ayesha: “I’ve done nothing wrong at all ever in my life.”



Anyway, there’s zombies now Francine!

Francine: “Good, at least you’re fully committing to the apocalypse now. Let’s get me this job.”

It’s good to see you’re committing yourself to the cause now.

Francine: “I really don’t have a choice.”

I know ❤

Note: The job offers board is the one recommended by Phaenoh in her actual rules. Since journalism restricts newspaper delivery, this is the only way to get jobs. But let’s imagine that I wrote Francine applying for a job at the soup kitchen and someone, probably Rose, being like “Wow! You start tomorrow!”



Isn’t that basically level 8? Holy shit. Okay. Well, I mean, this is the only option given by the offers board???

Not that I’m complaining honestly lmao


But now Francine needs loads of friends. So get on that friendmaking, Francine!

Francine: “Oh thank god, it’s been days and my social is SO LOW… I can’t even call people to chat, what’s up with that??”

Intelligence Restrictions. It’s okay, I’m sure one of your kids will lift that. You’re going to have a very successful family and isn’t that all you could ever want?

Francine: “Remember when life actually made sense, voice?”

Not really. I mean, it’s a social construct after all.

Francine: “Oi!”


Anyway, friendmaking asides, Francine has loads of days until she starts work so I’m hoping for a quick promotion. So to give her something to do, here’s a novel you can write! It’s about nuclear fallout hitting civilisation, causing horrible apocalyptic conditions which will eventually be solved.

Francine: “It’s autobiographical.”

I could tell.

Francine: “I think it’s going to also act as a guide for future apocalypse founders… Oh, I can practically smell the academic citations now.”

Okay, I’ll leave you to that then.


Francine’s first few days of work weren’t very exciting, honestly. She needed to skill up and get friends, so of course when she bought home Neil Chalmers I was like “Hey! Another family friend!” So I queued up some actions and let them socialise whilst I went to get a snack and I CAME BACK. TO THIS


Look, I don’t mind a bit of gossip about myself, but then that evolved into THIS



Neil: “Yeah, me~ Winking smile


Francine: “Hey, Neil, wanna… go upstairs into my house which is locked against all visitors due to Intelligence restrictions and illegally woohoo even though all woohoos are meant to be Try For Babies?”

Neil: “You know it… Darling B)”

you so do not deserve to use that pun, Chalmers.

Francine!! Say goodbye to him this instant. :U Do it and I won’t tell Scott about your grossness tchhhhh

Francine: “Hey, it’s another family friend at least Winking smile

Yes! Without benefits!


I swear, ACR makes my life so hard :,)

And yet I still have it lmao


After the Chalmers incident, Francine was officially on house arrest. She had enough friends anyway, so it’s ONLY NOVEL WRITING for you now.

Francine: “That’s fine, look, this hobby man has just arrived and I’m just saying…”

You are a FAMILY SIM.

Francine: “Hey, Mr Hobby Man who can ignore locked doors!”

Mr Hobby Man: “Take this club membership and let me leave please. I seem to be locked in.”

Francine: “Winking smile


You need to complete culinary soon so we can invite Scott to move in honestly. I remember at this point Francine kept rolling wants to flirt/kiss/etc and often with Scott but also more in general. I think she was just lonely at this point but I still cannot believe the audacity of the Chalmers incident lmao


Although, the novel WAS eventually finished. It went pretty well.



The next few days were pretty much a flurry of skilling up and invites to retain friendships before Francine could get her promotion.






Sociali- Oh, hi Ani-Mei! You’re the first simself to grace the lot ❤

Z!Ani-Mei: “Can I eat your founder?”

I’d ask you politely not to, and then compliment you on your really cute outerwear so that you’re too blow away by kindness to do so.


Z!Ani-Mei: “I know right! I just love the image of a very glamorous zombie.”

Me too, also because I know no-one in the apocalypse will grow up into cool outerwear like this, so we’re just taking what we can get honestly. It’s very cute!

Z!Ani-Mei: “Great. I’m off to go eat some townies.”

Have fun!! Stay safe!

Z!Ani-Mei: *zombie noises*

Me too, dude.


BOOM! Congrats on getting a promotion. How do you feel about lifting the first apocalypse restriction?

Francine: “Like I really want to Kiss and Flirt with Scott :c”

Aw, babe. Go have a nap and when its morning I’ll call him over.

(Legit! She kept rolling these wants & her social was always really low! The only thing that kept her from seeing the social bunny some days was daydreaming or just chatting to random walkbys. It was so sad :C She was just so lonely D: )


Their reunion was really sweet though and totally worth the wait ❤

Francine: “MY KING!”

Scott: “MY QUE-*smooching noises*”

I still havent figured out how to write those out phonetically yet.


Francine: “Look, I know that you’ve just arrived but it’s been like two sim weeks which is like 10 years or something in sim-time and I want to make our King and Queen status official, will you marry me Scott?”

Scott: “Oh, of course! Together, we will checkmate the whole apocalypse!”

Honestly, I’m running out of chess puns but I’m glad the two of them are back together again.


And then they both got married right there, with Peanut the dog as the witness and Bishop.

Peanut: “Woof!”

Me too, Peanut. I would so try and adopt you if I didn’t find pets stressful :,)

Peanut: *sad woof*

Maybe in another life…………….

Anyway. Scott moved into the house pre the wedding which is why his outerwear has changed. What’s his everyday wear??? Who knows!! (Well, I do.) But you’ll find out next chapter because that’s all we have time for tonight kids!


Anyway, sorry this was a jumpy/kinda poor chapter. Not a lot of pictures were taken bc I spent most of the time leaving a meal out for Francine, going away from the screen and letting her skill until she stopped and making sure her needs were topped up.. It wasn’t very interesting. Next chapter has the birth of babies though, which is always much more fun ^^

See you guys again later~ & thanks for reading!







Oh Darling, it’s the Apocalypse! / 1.1–Karl Marx and Carbonara


I’ve played well ahead on this story. Which is generally a good thing? But right now I’m looking at generation 4 in game. I just need to write everything lmao. So, here we go. Darling, it’s the apocalypse!


Meet Francine Darling. Francine is a Philosophy major, because Philosophy helps people cook and she’s going to lift the Culinary restriction, congratulations on being chosen as an apocalypse founder Francine!

Francine: “A what now?”

Nothing, nothing. You’ll know soon enough.

Francine: “…”

…Anyway! How does Philosophy even help people cook?

Francine: “Our tastes and preferences are social constructs. Everything we enjoy, we choose to enjoy. We perform food preferences.”


Image may contain: 1 person, text

*cough, cough*


Ah yes, having finished her term paper on her first day (which I’m decently impressed with, on my first day of uni, I didn’t even know how to cite properly. I kind of still don’t, honestly), Francine is getting the full University Experience™. You might even say… the full frontal University Experience 😀

Francine: “Hey, streaky.”

Streaky: “What is it? Don’t judge me for just feeling the breeze, dude.”

Francine: “No, no, I’m not judging. I just want to tell you that I’m currently reading a book called ‘Masterful Sausage Slicing’, which in and of itself shows 150 different ways of slicing sausages. My favourite is the one which shapes it like a little octopus :)”

Streaky: “Uh. Wow! Would you look at that! It’s breezier outside!”

Francine: “:)”


On another note, the little octopus shaped sausages are cute as hell.

Related image

Awww ❤


Of course, the main reason for starting in a dorm is to find someone cute, available and university educated 😉 Francine has recessive red hair, so as soon as I saw Scott with my second favourite premade face… I had to jump that.

Francine: “You mean, I had to jump on that.”

You have three bolts for him, don’t tell me you don’t want to.

Francine: “WELL…. I MEAN….”

Scancine? Frott? Scancine sounds like a disease. Frott… well. Anyway. They spent ages playing chess with each other – which is the ideal first date.

Scott: “I move my pawn…… lol….. to your pawn…”

Francine: “I move my Queen to D3, blocking all points of escape. Checkmate. You’re dead.”

Scott: I love it when she brutally defeats me ❤

Relationship goals, honestly.


Francine: “Hey, Scott. We’ve played fifteen chess games so far and I’ve won all of them. Do you want to checkMate? >;]”

Scott: “Oh, Francine… I’ve been waiting for you to flirt aggressively with me via chess puns all Freshman year which has passed surprisingly quickly and in very few pictures…”


Scott: “I’d love to see your opening moves toKnight…”

Francine: “Well, just so you know… I can spell Dzindzichashvili with my tongue.”

Scott: “Oh, Franci-“



Hey, you’re looking happy there. Any news?

Francine: “Yeah! I just passed Freshman year with a 4.0 GPA, a boyfriend and $1,200!”

…Any other news? You know, after the conversation with Scott?

Francine: “Well, I’ve beaten him 16 times now?”



Anyway, despite the very nice $1,200 grant, Francine still has to work because I’d like to move her out of the dorm room soon. Just because I can. I thought working in the cafeteria was a nice part-time job.

Francine: “I don’t! :[“

I mean, this is your future career. Go ponder about the pancakes or something.

Francine: “Well, it is rather magnificent that even though these are all separately produced plates, how the pancakes all sit on eachother in exactly the same way… and the syrup is exact as well… strange, very strange, as if there’s a certain mesh which they must all keep to…”

Ooohhhh no. Too far, too far! Reel it back!

Francine: “Man, pancakes are great.”



I have no commentary for this picture. I just like the image of Francine skipping in a dorm room in a dressing gown.



Sophomore year was very much just this, plus games hobby lot, plus skills building.

Uni is pretty unexciting.

No, I’m not going to write more chess puns.


What is it with these two and romance in front of bathrooms?

Francine: “Romance is a social construct…”

Oh god.

Francine: “…and the construction of romance imbues certain places with cultural importance…”

(as you can see, I’m really using my degree to full force here. Go to uni and pay £9k a year to learn how to make philosophy jokes, kids.)

Francine: “…and so, together, we are subverting the established norms and encouraging romance in unromantic places.”

Scott: “Oh, babe <3”


Francine: “Although I’m going to have to say that subverting the ‘stepping on eachother’s toes whilst dancing is not romantic’ norm is going to take a little work.”

Scott: “:[“

Poor Scott.


As you can probably tell, this was a Dream Date.

Scott: “Franky, you’re going to have to pay for the drinks tonight.”

Francine: “Yess! Crush those gender norms!”

Damn straight, Francine. Damn straight.




What a lovely face

Actually, I probably should have made it the cover picture. I hope you guys didn’t come into this thinking my founder was a bartender.

Although that would be cool…




Anyway, after Scott was robbed they went home for dinner.

Francine: “Look, I’m still a broke uni student. We get free food here. Why wouldn’t I honestly.”

As a fellow broke uni student, I respect that.


Anyway, Sophomore and Junior year have apparently passed now or I just forgot to take pictures because Francine didn’t get a house until Senior year, but the next picture is, well.


Francine: “Wow, uni has gone so fast! It’s like, almost ten pictures ago I was just leaving Freshman year!”

God, I know right. Time just flies.

Moving out of dorms cost a lot, so get digging so you can decorate your new house all cool-like 😀


FIRST ITEM. HOLY SHIT. Francine, fancy doing a BACC instead?

Francine: “A what now?”

…Nothing! :]

Francine: “Hmmm…”


And look! Scott’s had a makeover

Francine: “Your new hair is so fancy, Scott!

Scott: “Thank you! Who’s that gu- SCHSJGHSLKJG”

How do you write smooching sounds honestly

That guy: *Always watching, always judging*


Francine: “So, about checkMating…”

Wow, would you look at that! Always watching, always judging guy has stopped! I’m going to go find out why that’s happened!


Well guys, he seems great! Are we done ye- oh thank god.

Scott: “You’re really a master of making moves, Francine…”

Francine: “Why, thank yo-“

Hey, is that a cheerleader? 😀


It wasn’t a cheerleader, but thankfully Francine is finished now. She is skilling here, I think? I’m not really sure why I took this picture.


Yep, skilling is happening.

Francine: “You know, strange voice I converse with, I just realised I’ve never done anything really FUN yet.”

I mean, chess is fun.

Francine: “Yes, yes, but I need… the proper uni experience.”

What does that mea- oh.


What happened to threating that streaker on your first day?

Francine: “I’m not forcing my nakedness on innocent freshmen!”


So, having streaked and let herself Fully Delve into the university experience, here’s a picture of Francine all graduated! 😀 Time for a graduation party!


Which I can’t do because I’m using Phaenoh’s Apocalypse mod which implements the majority of the restrictions actually IN GAME, which is awesome. I’ll link that in the end/on the thread so that you guys can see what ruleset I’m going to be using. I’m also ignoring pets restrictions, because pets are a lot of effort tbh. I’ve moved the service pets restrictions onto medical, security pets restrictions onto law enforcement and showbiz pets restrictions onto showbiz.

Anyway! Here’s a group of people Francine has made friends with! You don’t know the blonde lady (and neither do I, apparently) and then there’s the bartender! He was the guy at the bar on their first dream date ❤

Berjes the Bartender: “Are you PUMPED for the SIMPERBOWL!!!”

Scott: “I usually would be, but I’m nervous this year. I don’t know why :c”

Man, me either *whistles innocently*

Francine: “Oh, don’t worry my King-“


Francine: “I’ll protect you <3”

Scott: “Thank you my Queen <3”



Okay, let’s do this. Don’t grow up in a terrible outfit.

Francine: “Why, I can just change it, right?”

…Of course…

Berjes knows. He knows.

Berjes: “Oh god, I’m so anxious about this and I don’t know why!”


*intense drumming*


*Intense drumming INTENSIFIES*



Berjes: “WOO!”

Francine: “I’m even colour coordinated!”

I’m so proud of you.


Francine: “Aw, my taxi’s here and I’ll miss the rest of the game!”

Good, you’re going to want to get back to the main neighbourhood preeetty quickly.

Francine: “Wait, why?”

Nothing. Nothing.


And off Francine goes to the apocalypse!


I’m so glad to finally be writing & playing again! I’m expecting Gen 4 as of this writing and have absolute tonnes of screenshots. So all I need to do is make the time to write now 🙂


These are all the restrictions I’ve lifted so far… So hopefully this will be the first challenge I ever complete lmao.

(I don’t think I’ve even finished a bachelor challenge.)

Thanks for reading, guys! – Thai ❤